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Rehabilitation of Upper Extremities using

Somatic Integration through Manual Application


Saturday, March 23, 2024: 12:00p.m. – 6:00p.m. EST

Sunday, March 24, 2024: 9:00a.m. – 5:00p.m. EST


180 Shaw Street, Suite 103, Toronto, ON M6J 2W5

Member Rate: $450 + HST


This course will be taught in-person.



This course addresses common injuries of the upper extremities from the perspective of SIMA: Somatic Integration through Manual Application and PFE: Puchta Foundational Exercises. The course examines the underlying somatic dysfunctions that can cause, worsen, or prevent injuries of the UE from improving.  


SIMA combines therapeutic knowledge that allows the practitioner to assess injuries by understanding the underlying structural changes that prevent the body from functioning harmoniously. SIMA offers a methodical approach to assessing and treating injuries of the upper extremities. To support the practitioner’s assessment skills, SIMA equips the learner with a sound understanding of somatic dysfunctions and the interrelationships of structure and function. The program looks at injuries of the upper extremities from a focal, local and global perspective and examines the impact a local injury has on adjacent structures and ultimately the entire body. In doing so, SIMA enables the practitioner to deepen their understanding of mechanical vectors and their effects on the physiological expression in the body. The goal is to bring about an integration of local and global forces in the body.


PFE provides the practitioner with a remedial exercise program that supports the manual treatment, and makes the patient an active participant in their recovery. The program is based on five principles to establish the foundation of a dynamic posture: the pelvis as primary building block, alignment of the lower and upper end of the spine, the integral relationship among body parts, oppositional forces, and the relationship between breath and movement.


Course Participants

Licensed or certified healthcare professionals or students, including Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Naturopaths, Athletic Trainers, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, and other allied healthcare professionals.


Learning Objectives

  • Gain an understanding of the history and principles of SIMA

  • Assess injuries of the Upper Extremities

  • Understand the difference between primary and compensatory somatic dysfunctions

  • Treat injuries from a focal, local and global point of view

  • Develop a treatment plan that includes manual therapy provided by the practitioner, and home care consisting in Puchta Foundational Exercises

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